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Shabbat and Daily Minyan

Morning Minyanim  
Monday through Friday 7:45 am* in the Chapel and on Zoom
Sunday 9:00 am  in the Chapel and on Zoom
* Secular/National Holidays - times vary  
Evening Minyanim  
Sunday through Thursday      6:00 pm ONLY on Zoom  

Friday Evening (Kabbalat Shabbat)   6:30 pm

 Live in the Chapel and on Zoom.

Shabbat Morning Service  10:00 am
Use this Zoom link for services:
Most services are live streamed, Daily Morning Minyan is not live streamed
During summer months, weather permitting, services will often be outside in our Courtyard



Daily Morning and Evening Minyan
Each minyan includes Kaddish for those in mourning and those observing yahrzeit. We read Torah on Monday and Thursday mornings, as well as on Rosh Chodesh (the new month). At each service we read a list of names of those loved ones for whom yahrzeit is being observed. Our minyans are very welcoming to those who are saying Kaddish or simply want to sit in the comfort of a prayer community.

Shabbat Morning Service 
A traditional service is held most Shabbat mornings from 10 am until noon. Occasionally we hold a special, musical service called Shir Hadash (see below).  We are an egalitarian congregation and invite broad participation. Congregants read Torah and, when there is no Bar or Bat Mitzvah, chant Haftarah. If you would like to participate in our services, please contact Rabbi Shapiro. Children are also encouraged to participate in the service by chanting Ashrei or other prayers. Please contact Rabbi Shapiro if you would like your children to participate. All children under the age of Bar/Bat Mitzvah are invited to the bima for Adon Olam at the end of the service.

Special Services


Shir Hadash
This is a songful, prayerful, soulful service led by Cantorial Intern, Kochava Munro, and Rabbi Shapiro. We use the power of our music and kavanah of our words and hearts to make God’s presence manifest.

Service Begins at 9:00 am, approximately once per month, and is followed by a mini kiddush, and a traditional Torah service. 
Upcoming dates will be listed on home page and in weekly emails.

Shabbat Walks  
Join Rabbi Shapiro for a thoughtful, prayerful, meditative walk on the the Woodbridge Blue Trail. Meet behind the church in Woodbridge Town Center.  Wear comfortable walking shoes.  Shabbat Walks begin at 8:30 am, once per month, weather permitting. Upcoming dates will be listed on home page and in weekly emails.

Please note special Shabbat events will replace Bread & Torah before the main service.
  Emails will always have the most up-to-date information.

Sat, February 8 2025 10 Shevat 5785